Data Analysis Services


We are providing an analyzing types of data service.  This will help you to improve your company performance or profitability by using our statistical and mathematical method. We also offer to be your research assistant make you easy in solving your problems.

Type of services provide:

- Survey assistant
                - Conduct Survey
                - Implement result
                - Data Entry

- Forecasting / Prediction (Quantitative Method (must depend with time series))
                - Sales
                - Economic Data
                - or any type of Data
= Providing more method by customer request such as single or multi variable, Moving Average, exponential smoothing, Holts, ARMA, ARIMA and more.

- Econometrics
                - Linear Regression Model
                                - Single Variable
                                - Multi Variable
                - Logistic Regression Model
                - Least Square Modelling
                - SPSS output analysis
                                - ANOVA
                                - COEFFICIENTS
= Providing more method by customer request.

- Simulation
                - Formulate a model to simulate in solving problem.
                - Any types of situation such as queuing system, production, inventory and others (but need a quantitative data)
= Providing more method by customers request.

- Inventory analysis
                - Order Quantity Decision (EOQ) using quantitative formula.
                - ABC analysis
                - Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
= Providing more method by customer request. Minimum cost and maximizing profit.

- Operation Research analysis
                - Business Decision making (quantitative method)
                - Critical Path and Project planning
                - Queue in modelling
                - Transportation system
= Providing more method by customer request. Minimum cost and maximizing profit. Application are more in probability and statistical method.

- Mathematical Analysis
                - Human Population Growth Modelling
                - Temperature / Mixture Modelling
                - Falling Mass Body Modelling (Parachuting / Rocket launch)
                - Interest rate loan Modelling
                - Linear / Simple Modelling
                - Discrete / Continuous Dynamical System Modelling
                - Autonomous System Modelling

If there any concern or enquiries.:
*Comment or Message here,
*Call or Whatsapp and SMS : Sorry(amir)
*email :
*Area: Service Stopped Seketika.



Anonymous said...

im not sure which service suitable for my requirement, but what i need is to know exactly when i should restock my inventory..

say, i have 3000 stock, i need to know when i should order for restock before all my stock went sold out..

how much for this calculation and what is the parameters needed..

Amir Nazirul Mubin Bin Esa said...

Hi there,
I need your help to email all of the information about the reorder stock. so, i will provide you a suitable formulate and calculation. so, here is my email :

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